
Bienvenidos a Costa Rica!

I am here. Took a straight (five hour) flight from Newark to San Jose and arrived to beautiful 76degree weather, cool breezes and bearable humidity (thank you Pennsylvania for preparing me for Central America weather). I was greeted at the airport by a Gabo (one of the four guys who has been here since December), Ecna (my bunk mate from last semester who arrived a few hours before me), and Joel a young Tico who came along for the ride. What a joy to see these two familiar faces! Sosi & Ry soon joined us and we waited for the rest of the crew to land. It wasn’t too long before Justine, Korina, Taylor and Chandler joined us. A three hour bus trip to San Isidro brought us to our new home where we were greeted warmly by Gerry….all together at last. It feels so good to be here with these, beautiful, lovely people. I will miss home—but this is where my heart needs to be right now.
The girl’s house is beautiful and after some decorating it will be the perfect place to spend time with each other and in the Word. We have a beautiful back yard with a little table to sit at—and I think it will soon be my favorite place. An early morning breeze, my Bible, and a cup of Costa Rica coffee---don’t mind if I do.
We all slept like babies last night and woke up in Costa Rica. Weird. Surreal. We walked the few blocks over to the guy’s house (where we will hold classes) and Ry and the guys made us a delicious breakfast of eggs, black beans, fresh mango, fresh pineapple, maduros (little fried banana things), and delicious coffee. Mmmmmm….I told Ry that I expect to find this sort of deliciousness at my table every morning. We’ll see. I’ll be terribly disappointed, and will ask for a full refund if this isn’t the case. : ) Sitting around the table with these nine other people made my heart so happy. I could have broken into tears at any point. Right now I’m sitting at the table listening to the boys play guitar and the neighbors speaking Spanish to Ger. I am happy. This is going to be a good thing.
Please continue to pray for me…as I am already struggling…..my last week at home was a blessing and really hard at the same time. There is a lot going on in my heart and head—but God is faithful and good. I am excited to be here and to see what He has planned for me. I love you all so much and covet your prayers. Adios! : )

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